Dear abang,
ayang nak mintak kebenaran abang untuk bawa anak-anak balik ke
kampung. abang tak perlu hantar ayang sebab ayang mampu untuk bawa
anak-anak ke kampung musim cuti sekolah ni dengan bas.. abang jaga
lah diri abang dan kereta abang baik-baik... cuma ada perkara yang
ingin ayang luahkan disini... kereta baru abang tu mahal.. harga mencecah
100k barangkali.. sebab tu abang sayangkan kereta abang lebih dari
ayang.. sampaikan abang dah terlena dalam kereta abang tu sejak abang
beli 3 bulan yang lalu dah masuk 3 malam... abang sayangkan kereta
abang lebih dari ayang, nak tau ngape?
harga kereta abang tu lebih mahal dari wang hantaran yang ayah ayang
letakan masa kita kahwin dulu.. cuba hantaran ayang lebih mahal dari
harga kereta abang? tiap-tiap pagi abang mesti gosok kereta abang, nak
nampak berkilat..tapi ayang nak dapat kiss g.morning pun susah..
sejak beli kereta tu, sebulan sekali macam-macam aksesori abang beli
kat kereta, ayang nak dapat hadiah besday setahun sekali pun susah..
kereta sebulan sekali abang servis, abang kata kena jaga
maintainance..ayang nak dapat pi salon setahun sekali pun susah..
kereta abang make up lawa-lawa.. tapi kalau ayang make up lawa-lawa
abang kata ayang tak sedar diri. kereta abang bagi makan minyak
mahal-mahal cecah 100 setin pun ada, ayang nak makan pizza sekeping jer
masa mengidam anak kedua kita abang kata ayang mengada-ngada...
kereta abang kalau anak-anak sentuh sikit bodynya abang marah anak
macam nak makan, ayang jatuh longkang besar boleh abang gelak paling
menyedihkan.. ayang tanya ngape tidur dalam kereta? abang jawab takut
orang curi kereta abang.. kalau ayang kena curi?? ayang nak balik
kampung dulu.. anak-anak nak jumpa atuk dengan nenek depa.. tak nak naik
kereta abang takut calar.. ayang calar takpe.. jaga diri elok-elok,
sarapan ayang dah sediakan. ayang pi tak lama sekolah bukak ayang balik
lah dengan anak-anak.. pesanan ayang..
We try to make others around us happy, yet we serve only ourselves. We try to create a solitude of beliefs, yet we lack the best in return. I say screw that and just live your life. Don't freakin sweat the small stuff.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
For the taggers

Tag replies accompanied by mimi, lina and my uncle, yang duduk di hujung-hujung sekali - but next to the food. Lina ate a lot... or as she said "slow makan" (uh-huh!) =D Anyway, tag replies!
Sol99: hhahah! Welcome! =) *Waves back*
"Special" MisSTresS`: hahaha sorry sorry. Forgot to mention the details that matter. But know this, the ayam wasn't that great. Karas. Now I'm feeling rather hungry.
HH: what are you on about? Btw, thanks for the comics dood! I wanna read the rest lagi nanti!
Lilac: rezeki jangan di taruh2 - they are not meant to be kept but spent. So spend it on me, murah rezeki. Amin~~
xHu123: too bad, ia nada... sedih lah aku... but that's okay - it was a great night!! Erm... check out the last posts for details of it. And whatever you say, in her heart she knows she's mine. Hahahaha!!

Giving A Place For Social Gathering

Anyway, I didn't take a lot of pictures from the BBQ - and especially not nice ones. Had to spend most of the time talking to the guests. It was fun nonetheless. Still, if only I had a lot of good pics to show. Check out my multiply for the uploaded pix.
The BBQ itself was great! Actually, it's called BBQ plus Xbox LAN Party - but somehow most of the people who were supposed to come and play games couldn't make it, so most of the time we ended up hanging out in the compound, talking to everyone there. That was still great - we had a live band by non-other than aHesHi (if you don't know, that's okay - it's santet's band) and I got to catch up with friends I haven't talked to for so long. That and the games inside kept the kids inside (yeah, my little cousins came and joined - surprisingly a lot of them came).
I also got to witness a lot of other things such as a group of people tryin to perform some jackass stunts, the live band ofcourse and the many funny things that went with it, kids dancing infront of the live band... followed by adults dancing in their chairs, people shouting as the music goes silent all of a sudden making a fool out of themselves, zool who kept on trying to make fun of the band every now and then, an uninvited singer making fun of the jackass stuntman and many more. Plus, we had two birthday cakes for a birthday girl and a birthday boy! Nyaman! err.. the cake I mean. And then sekalinya, the cakes were supposed to be a surprised but the birthday girl came into the house wanting to use the sink in the kitchen while they were preparing them! Hahahaa!! That was funny.
Overall, great night. The last guest left at almost 2 - and guess who? Zool. Thanks dood! He stayed from the start till the end (in between threatening to leave early lapas makan) But I know he loves me too much to leave early ;) Then, they (zool, my brothers, cousin) played a bit of football outside and then we just ended up hanging out outside talking for the most part of it (santet joined later on). A lot of people came but thank God, we had enough food... well sort of. Lina came! And... ada cerita celi, ia sasat. hahaha! But thank you for coming =) xHu had other engagements and ia kirimsalam ayam dulu then me! (adakah ayam dulu). Nisa said she'd come tapi nada jua datang2nya. Sajuk lamb. yaSien, entah manakah. I only saw his message on MSN when the party was done (err.. actually, ramai orang left me with messages on my messengers about the BBQ but I was busy outside all day - SORRY GUYS!). And... yeah. In terms of people, they weren't as many as I expected - still banyak though. I counted for my own record - 47 guests, and the rest were family members - and we're talking about 20+ people including the kids.
So yeah... great night. I wish I can mention more about the BBQ but I'm too tired. Till the next BBQ =)

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Tag Replies Ala PSP Casings

xHu: mun tani semua ada PSP Noor will have no choice but to get one and join the pack! Ia atu nda mau kluar kan duit tu, tau menyimpan ganya... sayang harta nda di pakai... *looks at noor*
xhu2 & yaSien: she's mine!! dont you guys start drooling all over her! oh, now i think she misses me... i shud've asked for her name...
Lilac: errr... ive got bad news... i kinda forgot to make you the banner... oops?! haha sorry yeah? wait till after Friday yeah? then ill be free, hopefully =)
MisSTresS`: awu! kambang ia! just coz she gets to take a photo with me! (aiseh, mcm tebalik! haha) eh, i shud ask for her phone number from my uncle then invite her to my bbq... hmmm interesting...
xHu3: hahaha! aku gigit bibirnya? nooooo!!! hmmm.... but I will keep my thoughts to myself hahaha!
yaSien2: yeah... the eyes... hai~ adakah aku sudah jatuh cinta? hahaha! cinta kepala hotak aku!
MisSTresS`2: u must really be bored all the time with all these weird messages ur leaving... but then... weird IS you..
MisSTresS`3@mousie: terimalah saja takdir tuhan...
xHu4: does that mean you're not coming?!!?!? eh brani reject aku udah ah!! wahahaha! that's okay dood, no probs! =)

This one time orang kawin

Anyway, they had ayam merah... and i think that's the only part I was supposed to blog about hahaha! But here are some bonus entry - guess what we did masa the pengantin berdiri di luar so people outside can see? We were taking pictures of ourselves instead of taking pictures of the newly weds!! Hahaha! We as in my famil members hahaha gila! vainness runs in the family!
Check out the photos arah my multiply. Uploaded some there.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Quizzes the result of Boredom
Got bored. Was at someone's blog. Read a quiz result. Clicked. Tried some. And ... well here I am.
The questions to the next one were funny haha!
You Were a Coyote |
Brutally honest, you encourage people to show their true selves. You laugh at life - none of it can be taken too seriously. |
The Movie Of Your Life Is Film Noir |
So what if you're a little nihilistic at times? Life with meaning is highly over-rated. Your best movie matches: Sin City, L. A. Confidential, Blade Runner |
The questions to the next one were funny haha!
You're a Playful Kisser |
Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right! |
Your Dating Purity Score: 31% |
You are an experienced dater. You've dated around enough to know what you want in a relationship. And you've got the dating skills to get exactly what you want! |
How You Life Your Life |
You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You're open to new people and friends, which makes you a pretty popular person. You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it. |
Your Career Type: Enterprising |
You are engertic, ambitious, and sociable. Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas. You would make an excellent: Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director City Manager - Judge - Lawyer Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect. |
Another Sleepless Night
I can't sleep. I don't feel like writing. I wanna watch a movie but I've got nothing that interests me. I just finished watching Lost. I want the next episode but it's still downloading. I want so many things but I can't have them. I think I will go and play a game now.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Mysterious Girl

Who is she? I don't know. All I know is she's an Indonesian. I saw her, took a photo with her, and I don't even know her name. Who is she? Entah.

Lepaking and its Happenings

Then we messed around with Jan's (one of the waiter) christmas hat. Oh, speakin of which, Taurean's already set up a christmas look complete with a christmas tree! The waiters and waitresses all are wearing christmas hats! It was cool.
Then, while we were there, this girl came up to our table and sat to the chair next to me - i went "Oh my God!" It was ani! Thought I won't see her until next year, but there she was hanging out there. It was nice of her to approach me though =D
But that wasn't the last happening at Taurean (macam2 saja ani wah). Later on that evening, this woman came to our table to talk about this new network scheme she's in, which will be introduced in Brunei soon (kin, one of the ex-waiters of Taurean and a friend, told her to talk to us - bagus...). We spent about 20mins or so talking - got me interested a bit but I doubt I'll be joining. So siapa kan mau kaya laju, and is really active in this thing, let me know =)
Santet went off for jammin while I went home for a bit, coz we were gonna hang again later at farmbasket then off to dynasty for dim sum. Then at home, apanah? My dad wanted to use the car - talking to me while I was playing Call of Duty 2 on the Xbox (that game rocks!). Somehow, while I was concentrating on the game, I agreed. Then apanah? My dad had to send me to farmbasket (haha main kana antar) and I asked zool if he could send me home after. Baik jua ia atu baik. Jarang tah tejumpa orang macam atu mwahahahaaa!! Nisa come back soon! It's been awhile since you've picked me up and sent me home! =p
Dynasty? That place rocks!

Infected Tag Replies

xHu: apa lagi photoshop?! hahaha banar tu - one PSP is mine, the other two are belong to my two brothers, and the last one is my cousin's =) bah bali tah satu, siuk jua tani lepak one table, semua pakai PSP surfing and let the whole world drool as they see us lepak with PSPs - you, me, nisa and lina! hahahaaa!! *gives noor a look*
LiNa: sorry, lambat reply hehe no difference between the two versions... other than the colour ofcourse. the white PSP is the latest release, only di Japan ada (or Asia). Bah bali tia the white one! I'm thinkin of gettin one myself though.
Lilac: udah atu baru tah ucap org lawa... I dont need you to tell me that... everybody knows that, even xHu... HAHA! anyway, what banner? cana? *ignored the Hitch request*
xHu2: right on!!! ... why am I agreeing again?
MisSTresS`: ... *acts clueless*

Lost with Words

I'm not really in the mood to blog at the moment, plus I've got no idea what to say. The past few days have been ... oh wait, I can't quite remember what has been happening the past few days other than me playing my games, went to watch narnia as you can see from the photo above (my sibs) and... oh pissed at some people at work.
But let us not dwell on the past but ... hmm I don't know what else to say. I still can't sleep early. I still wake up late. And... I seem to be updating my multiply more recently. Check it out! I just uploaded some photos from today there. Hope you guys can join and then be able to comment on individual photos!
Anyway, I think I'll leave it to that for now. People are waiting for me on MSN.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Short and Sweet?
Just a short post for today coz I'm not sure what to write. Woke up late again today. Spent the afternoon hanging out at Taurean with the guys. Ripin and Zeeko joined us today. Not a bad gathering. Then hung out at the bean later on after work, having a blast with some silly card games we found there, namely 'TV Trivia' and 'Marry, Date and Dump".
I've been updating my multiply lately. Just thought I'd tell you guys that coz I might post some pictures there once in awhile. Anyway, if you're a member, add me! If not, then you should join haha!
I've been updating my multiply lately. Just thought I'd tell you guys that coz I might post some pictures there once in awhile. Anyway, if you're a member, add me! If not, then you should join haha!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Brown Penny

And then, "I am old enough";
Wherefore I threw a penny
To find out if I might love.
"Go and love, go and love, young man,
If the lady be young and fair."
Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
I am looped in the loops of her hair.
O love is the crooked thing,
There is nobody wise enough
To find out all that is in it,
For he would be thinking of love
Till the stars had run away
And the shadows eaten the moon.
Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
One cannot begin it too soon.
- William Butler Yeats

To Nisa

Okay, I was kidding with the last post =) The real post is meant to be this one.
With this post, I give a blog you'll never forget. Your blog will never empty, for I will be your words. With these words, I carry a line to wish you the start of a new day. With this day, you live another year you know worth living.
Let us all wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Nisa!!
Ain't I sweet?
Monday, December 05, 2005
Tags Accompanied by The Perverted Shadow

MisSTresS`: Time can tell a lot of things - but the many joys in my life reside far within me, out of reach of any soul living on this planet but myself... in order words, even if you are, you'll never find out Mwahahaha!! Now enjoy the softcore porn on the left hehehe
zool: I shud post that other photo here too.. mwahahaha! but i guess ill have to ask everyone - manatau diorang mau liat. Majority wins! Mwahahah! and manada ku gatal...
xHu: err... thanx?
yaSien: errr... sometimes they have their appeals... hahaha
LiNa: errr... I'll take a raincheck... u don't have to help out haha Although it would be fun coz that would mean less work for me!! Hahaha! But i'm too nice to take advantage of the people around me =p
LiNa2: Y'know, I thought it was a Doa Selamat thing for my bro and only kawan2 nya panggilnya... sekali ramai org datang ke rumah! like, nda belajar tarus for my exam paper the next day! hahaha!

Relaxation is the Key
What a great day today has been - I had one heck of a relaxing afternoon despite having plans changed coz I couldn't sleep early last night. Damn accomodation! But that's okay.
How it was relaxing you ask? (if you dont I don't care, I'm telling anyway). I woke up after lunch, around 1.30pm. The weather was just nice, it wasn't hot and it wasn't gloomy. I drove with my windows opened, breathing the cool fresh air in the afternoon - something you rarely get here (cool fresh air in the afternoon i mean). I went to meet a friend to send this photo we took at a photo studio last week around Kiarong. That place was packed with people. In a good way.
After that, I went to meet zool at Fleur De Lys. Man, it's been so long since we hung there. The atmosphere there made it feel like we were in UK again. Probably thanks to the weather outside, the expats having tea there and ... maybe the christmas music. I felt like I was in Sheffield again. Nice~~
After that, we went to Taurean to hang - supposedly meeting santet. But alas, that no good friend of ours betrayed us. Not once, but TWICE! Well okay, he betrayed ME twice. But I'm too kind to let the whole world know what the second one was all about. Nanti ko!
Then I went to work early - the atmosphere at work was rather serene as well. No shoutings, no arguments, no commotions... it was bliss.. well aside from chatting with noor about relationships - adakah suruhnya aku cari someone! Not yet my friend - it is still too early for me ;)
All in all, not a bad day. If only everyday's like today...
I miss Sheff now...
How it was relaxing you ask? (if you dont I don't care, I'm telling anyway). I woke up after lunch, around 1.30pm. The weather was just nice, it wasn't hot and it wasn't gloomy. I drove with my windows opened, breathing the cool fresh air in the afternoon - something you rarely get here (cool fresh air in the afternoon i mean). I went to meet a friend to send this photo we took at a photo studio last week around Kiarong. That place was packed with people. In a good way.
After that, I went to meet zool at Fleur De Lys. Man, it's been so long since we hung there. The atmosphere there made it feel like we were in UK again. Probably thanks to the weather outside, the expats having tea there and ... maybe the christmas music. I felt like I was in Sheffield again. Nice~~
After that, we went to Taurean to hang - supposedly meeting santet. But alas, that no good friend of ours betrayed us. Not once, but TWICE! Well okay, he betrayed ME twice. But I'm too kind to let the whole world know what the second one was all about. Nanti ko!
Then I went to work early - the atmosphere at work was rather serene as well. No shoutings, no arguments, no commotions... it was bliss.. well aside from chatting with noor about relationships - adakah suruhnya aku cari someone! Not yet my friend - it is still too early for me ;)
All in all, not a bad day. If only everyday's like today...
I miss Sheff now...

Stripes Day
Yesterday, the three of us all had stripes on ourselves. Then followed by the striped shadows of the blinds at Taurean Kiulap. So I made this coz I was bored. =)
Click here for a high resolution image.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Little Joy

Anyway, if you guys know of anyone who occasionally, if not all the time, blogs about their gaming life, do let me know.
Here, I just thought I'd post this pic of me surfing nisa's blog on my PSP. One of the little joys in life I get - eh bukan readin nisa's blog but being able to read people's blog while lying down on my bed rather than having to look at the large screen of my laptop or desktop. It's comfy. A good bedtime read.

Words To Show I Care

LiNa: you still owe me! And since you dragged Jati along, nah, ia tah tu jua - she owes me as well! Haha! But I'm moving up to the attic soon anyway... oh i know! you can help out with the move! Now there's a good idea...
Lilac: I want to be a philosopher - but the gamer in me wants me to be more and just someone who asks questions.
MisSTresS`: penyakit, ada bermacam penyakit... aiseh ani akhir reply wahaha! but know this, manada penyakit kiut - kiut is a gift. but since urs is penyakit, then it's not a good thing for u. hehe
xHu: dood! I have no idea what to say but welcome back to blogging! ... altho I havent chkd out ur blog since that day u said u updated it... bt ill do so after this. =D
Santet: iatah tu... dood, seriously, cut down a bit. Mcm lapas sebatang, then another, followed by another. kurang kan sikit. like every 15mins kah or so. nanti.... err... ill keep that part of the comment in a private conversation...
Lilac2: nah! updates! woohoo!!
xHu2: i know!! well... i dont care really - but then u shud tell my friends yg apparently kan kawin anie.
HH: dood! where hav u been?!? i thought ur free most of the time?
MisSTresS`2: wow... too many denials lead you to one thing, missing Syaf terribly...
MisSTresS`3: errr... ur welcome?
yaSien: dood? I'm not sure wassup - but just message me if you wanna talk kay? I'll wait. Whatever is it, I pray that everything will turn out okay.
HH2: and err.. hmmm?

Good within the Bad

Hello - such a nice word to use to begin a blog post that's been lacking updates. Still, I'm not here to post everything that happens in my life. Once in awhile, this place helps me refresh my writing skills so I do not end up losing this favourite hobby of mine.
As you can see, I begin this post with a photo of three retarded guys and now I say, like any other bloggers who have been away for awhile, 'a lot has happened since I last posted here...' (with the exception of the tag-thing I did lastnight). Let me just summarise a number of things:
1) Apparently I had an open house (which I thought was just a doa selamat ceremony). A lot of people ended up messaging me coz I didnt invite anyone. Oops?! But some people, and I mean by a very specific one person, did not turn up when she said she was gonna. Oh and this 'open house' thing happened during my exam week. Handal kan? I didn't study for the paper the day after.
2) I finished my exam. Woohooo!!! And guess what? I'm free! Sekalinya apanah? A lot of people ended up messaging me asking me when we're gonna hang. Like, damn... do I really have to? aiseh, atu perasan bunyinya. I'd like to talk more about this problem in it's own post - but not right now.
3) I am currently asked to design another MD T-shirt for 2006 - but I lack inspiration.
4) and this is recent news - I met someone. But then, I do not want to pursue it. Then again, I might be prasan thinking that she's interested in me. Maybe she was just being friendly?
5) Within this one month, I have a heck of a lot of games to complete before I start my Teaching Practice in January.
Let me tell you more about number4, and in doing so, I'll tell you about the ordeals I encountered today.
Today had its ups and downs. Somehow a lot of downs but the ups were great (I will mention one later). Lastnight, I forgot to top-up my EASI line so DST can deduct the annual 25bucks fee. Struck midnight, I had my credits down to $00.00. I was left with nothing most of today. And of all times, a lot of people started messaging me - and obviously I couldn't reply.
As if it did not start out bad enough, when I went to get the top-up card at WYWY, the people were too busy layaning others who were there just to ask how to perform some functions on their freakin phone when I, a customer who was gonna BUY something, was left with no one to attend to. I waited for like some freakin 5+mins, or maybe even 10mins, as my "excuse me" was quickly brushed away. I got so frustrated than I slammed my fist on the freakin glass table (sakit!) and left the shop.
My problem with my phone did not end there. When I did manage to get my top-up card, I found out my phone was barred - but that was kinda expected. I thought "right, all I have to do is call 151 and they will unbar it so I can recharge my account". Then guess what happened? From 3pm all the way to 8.30+pm, the line was freakin busy and I was put on hold every time! (I tried calling every 5mins or less at the beginning!) Let me quote something from their website regarding their 151 service, the so-called DSTcare.
"DSTCare 151 facilitates customer inquiries, complaints and basic service needsNote the words in bold. Especially the 'easily accessible' part. Well... I have this to say, "easily accessible my ass you f'n retards!"
on a 24-hour basis through the hotline operators. It is easily accessible to
customers either through the telephone hotline ‘151’ or fax number +673 2
Fewh~ with that said, I feel so much better.
Now, this whole phone problem thing was not all bad. Thanks to it, I was forced to meet a friend where he was without being able to negotiate or refuse the meeting. Wait! That's not the good part. When this friend of mine messaged me, I had no choice but to go meet him coz I had to return his external harddisk that I borrowed - which he needed urgently. There, I ended up hanging out a bit and got introduced to his co-worker (who he was with at that moment coz they were on an office break or something). Oh and there was someone else there too but she's not important.
Anyway, my friend had to leave coz apparently he had to go to the office (or did he say he had to pick up someone before he gets back to the office?) leaving me with the two girls. Then the other woman left, leaving me alone with, yes, the good news of today.
Her name is Izzy (or atleast that's how I think you spell it). She's older than me, I assume by two years since she said she graduated two years ago - then again I could be wrong. She is interesting. I find her interesting. We surprisingly talked a lot and had a great conversation. She said we should hang out more. She asked for my number. I, like the stupid retard that I am, did not. I find her attractive. But I somewhat do not want to pursue this thing - if there is a thing to begin with. Yet, I feel, it is such a loss to ignore a thing of beauty like this. But alas, I can't. Still, I can't help but think about her - even now.
Dammit, why can't I find her on friendster? Why didn't I ask for her phone number? What if she's reading this? Why am I asking all these when I'm not even gonna pursue it? If there is an it! I could be prasan like I said. But she's older than me. But I like her. But I don't want to. I'm dead if she reads this blog.
I hope she contacts me.

Saturday, December 03, 2005
The Deal With Syaf
I god tagged... by nisa. At first I was like "what's this 'tagged' thing?". Then I started reading more and more about it from other people's blogs. Then I went... "Ooooooohhh..." after which I asked "Do I really have to do that?". Then I thought "Nisa tagged me..." so I told myself "she must miss me a lot..." that was when I said "yeaaaahhhhh~~". Here goes...
10 years ago
I was... *starts counting* 12 (I'm 22 right?)... man, where was I when I was 12? I got my IC. Crap~ the past is so blurry... I think I was in Form 1. I got to know new people in a new environment - people who I don't hang with nowadays. I goes to show how picky I am. Okay, so I'm not a fan of my past - maybe that's why it's so blurry.
5 years ago
was where true life began for me. I started to break away from the life that I didn't want to be in and began a new one. And it led me to who and where I am now. This was the year that I met the guys, the year that I met the girls... and the year that I began to think... f*ck marriage! Form 6 were two cool years...
1 year ago
was another beginning for an improved me. I began to realise a number of things, a lot of things. Life as it was, is not what it is now. I am a piece of artwork - a masterpiece.
5 snacks I enjoy
(Only snacks?)
Almond Magnum
Double Cheese
Ferrero Rocher
Lays Original Potato Chips
This Mark's and Spencer's Chocolate thingy... damn i cant remember the name... it's in a big round box, dark blue and white box...
5 songs I know all the words to
Don't Stop Me Now
Gone So Young
Only One
Perfect World
(oh Brunei's National Anthem... that's 6... nvm)
5 places I would run away to
the Cinema
(this thing should be more than 5)
5 things I would never wear
Bra and Panties (okay that's 3)
Cosplay costumes (unless they don't look ridiculous)
A smelly piece of old clothe covered with green slimey stuff
Underwear on the outside
5 favourite TV shows
Surface (maybe...)
Sex Star ?
5 bad habits
Manada bad habits...
everything about me rocks!
err... ryte?
I dont know...
you tell me!
5 biggest joys
Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari, Burnout series since the 3rd...
PSP, PS2, Xbox, My phone...
Sushi, Double Cheese, Beryani, Ferrero, Coke, Green Tea...
Kristen Kreuk, Erica Durance, Kate Beckinsale, Nicole Kidman, Rachel McAdams...
The people around me...
I mean... (according to ranks) (1)Games, (2)Gadgets, (3)Food, (4)Beautiful Women, (5)Friends and Family
5 fictional characters I would date or think are cute
Lana Lang (Smallville)
Lois Lane (Smallville)
Selene (Underworld)
Isabel Bigelow/Samantha (Bewitched)
Claire Cleary (Wedding Crashers)
5 people I tagged this to
There! I'm done!
Atu ngalih... oh crap! I forgot I'm chattin with Nisa!
10 years ago
I was... *starts counting* 12 (I'm 22 right?)... man, where was I when I was 12? I got my IC. Crap~ the past is so blurry... I think I was in Form 1. I got to know new people in a new environment - people who I don't hang with nowadays. I goes to show how picky I am. Okay, so I'm not a fan of my past - maybe that's why it's so blurry.
5 years ago
was where true life began for me. I started to break away from the life that I didn't want to be in and began a new one. And it led me to who and where I am now. This was the year that I met the guys, the year that I met the girls... and the year that I began to think... f*ck marriage! Form 6 were two cool years...
1 year ago
was another beginning for an improved me. I began to realise a number of things, a lot of things. Life as it was, is not what it is now. I am a piece of artwork - a masterpiece.
5 snacks I enjoy
(Only snacks?)
Almond Magnum
Double Cheese
Ferrero Rocher
Lays Original Potato Chips
This Mark's and Spencer's Chocolate thingy... damn i cant remember the name... it's in a big round box, dark blue and white box...
5 songs I know all the words to
Don't Stop Me Now
Gone So Young
Only One
Perfect World
(oh Brunei's National Anthem... that's 6... nvm)
5 places I would run away to
the Cinema
(this thing should be more than 5)
5 things I would never wear
Bra and Panties (okay that's 3)
Cosplay costumes (unless they don't look ridiculous)
A smelly piece of old clothe covered with green slimey stuff
Underwear on the outside
5 favourite TV shows
Surface (maybe...)
Sex Star ?
5 bad habits
Manada bad habits...
everything about me rocks!
err... ryte?
I dont know...
you tell me!
5 biggest joys
Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari, Burnout series since the 3rd...
PSP, PS2, Xbox, My phone...
Sushi, Double Cheese, Beryani, Ferrero, Coke, Green Tea...
Kristen Kreuk, Erica Durance, Kate Beckinsale, Nicole Kidman, Rachel McAdams...
The people around me...
I mean... (according to ranks) (1)Games, (2)Gadgets, (3)Food, (4)Beautiful Women, (5)Friends and Family
5 fictional characters I would date or think are cute
Lana Lang (Smallville)
Lois Lane (Smallville)
Selene (Underworld)
Isabel Bigelow/Samantha (Bewitched)
Claire Cleary (Wedding Crashers)
5 people I tagged this to
There! I'm done!
Atu ngalih... oh crap! I forgot I'm chattin with Nisa!
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