LiNa: you still owe me! And since you dragged Jati along, nah, ia tah tu jua - she owes me as well! Haha! But I'm moving up to the attic soon anyway... oh i know! you can help out with the move! Now there's a good idea...
Lilac: I want to be a philosopher - but the gamer in me wants me to be more and just someone who asks questions.
MisSTresS`: penyakit, ada bermacam penyakit... aiseh ani akhir reply wahaha! but know this, manada penyakit kiut - kiut is a gift. but since urs is penyakit, then it's not a good thing for u. hehe
xHu: dood! I have no idea what to say but welcome back to blogging! ... altho I havent chkd out ur blog since that day u said u updated it... bt ill do so after this. =D
Santet: iatah tu... dood, seriously, cut down a bit. Mcm lapas sebatang, then another, followed by another. kurang kan sikit. like every 15mins kah or so. nanti.... err... ill keep that part of the comment in a private conversation...
Lilac2: nah! updates! woohoo!!
xHu2: i know!! well... i dont care really - but then u shud tell my friends yg apparently kan kawin anie.
HH: dood! where hav u been?!? i thought ur free most of the time?
MisSTresS`2: wow... too many denials lead you to one thing, missing Syaf terribly...
MisSTresS`3: errr... ur welcome?
yaSien: dood? I'm not sure wassup - but just message me if you wanna talk kay? I'll wait. Whatever is it, I pray that everything will turn out okay.
HH2: and err.. hmmm?

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