Anyway, I didn't take a lot of pictures from the BBQ - and especially not nice ones. Had to spend most of the time talking to the guests. It was fun nonetheless. Still, if only I had a lot of good pics to show. Check out my multiply for the uploaded pix.
The BBQ itself was great! Actually, it's called BBQ plus Xbox LAN Party - but somehow most of the people who were supposed to come and play games couldn't make it, so most of the time we ended up hanging out in the compound, talking to everyone there. That was still great - we had a live band by non-other than aHesHi (if you don't know, that's okay - it's santet's band) and I got to catch up with friends I haven't talked to for so long. That and the games inside kept the kids inside (yeah, my little cousins came and joined - surprisingly a lot of them came).
I also got to witness a lot of other things such as a group of people tryin to perform some jackass stunts, the live band ofcourse and the many funny things that went with it, kids dancing infront of the live band... followed by adults dancing in their chairs, people shouting as the music goes silent all of a sudden making a fool out of themselves, zool who kept on trying to make fun of the band every now and then, an uninvited singer making fun of the jackass stuntman and many more. Plus, we had two birthday cakes for a birthday girl and a birthday boy! Nyaman! err.. the cake I mean. And then sekalinya, the cakes were supposed to be a surprised but the birthday girl came into the house wanting to use the sink in the kitchen while they were preparing them! Hahahaa!! That was funny.
Overall, great night. The last guest left at almost 2 - and guess who? Zool. Thanks dood! He stayed from the start till the end (in between threatening to leave early lapas makan) But I know he loves me too much to leave early ;) Then, they (zool, my brothers, cousin) played a bit of football outside and then we just ended up hanging out outside talking for the most part of it (santet joined later on). A lot of people came but thank God, we had enough food... well sort of. Lina came! And... ada cerita celi, ia sasat. hahaha! But thank you for coming =) xHu had other engagements and ia kirimsalam ayam dulu then me! (adakah ayam dulu). Nisa said she'd come tapi nada jua datang2nya. Sajuk lamb. yaSien, entah manakah. I only saw his message on MSN when the party was done (err.. actually, ramai orang left me with messages on my messengers about the BBQ but I was busy outside all day - SORRY GUYS!). And... yeah. In terms of people, they weren't as many as I expected - still banyak though. I counted for my own record - 47 guests, and the rest were family members - and we're talking about 20+ people including the kids.
So yeah... great night. I wish I can mention more about the BBQ but I'm too tired. Till the next BBQ =)

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