Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Deal With Syaf

I god tagged... by nisa. At first I was like "what's this 'tagged' thing?". Then I started reading more and more about it from other people's blogs. Then I went... "Ooooooohhh..." after which I asked "Do I really have to do that?". Then I thought "Nisa tagged me..." so I told myself "she must miss me a lot..." that was when I said "yeaaaahhhhh~~". Here goes...

10 years ago

I was... *starts counting* 12 (I'm 22 right?)... man, where was I when I was 12? I got my IC. Crap~ the past is so blurry... I think I was in Form 1. I got to know new people in a new environment - people who I don't hang with nowadays. I goes to show how picky I am. Okay, so I'm not a fan of my past - maybe that's why it's so blurry.

5 years ago
was where true life began for me. I started to break away from the life that I didn't want to be in and began a new one. And it led me to who and where I am now. This was the year that I met the guys, the year that I met the girls... and the year that I began to think... f*ck marriage! Form 6 were two cool years...

1 year ago
was another beginning for an improved me. I began to realise a number of things, a lot of things. Life as it was, is not what it is now. I am a piece of artwork - a masterpiece.

5 snacks I enjoy
(Only snacks?)
Almond Magnum
Double Cheese
Ferrero Rocher
Lays Original Potato Chips
This Mark's and Spencer's Chocolate thingy... damn i cant remember the name... it's in a big round box, dark blue and white box...

5 songs I know all the words to
Don't Stop Me Now
Gone So Young
Only One
Perfect World
(oh Brunei's National Anthem... that's 6... nvm)

5 places I would run away to
the Cinema
(this thing should be more than 5)

5 things I would never wear
Bra and Panties (okay that's 3)
Cosplay costumes (unless they don't look ridiculous)
A smelly piece of old clothe covered with green slimey stuff
Underwear on the outside

5 favourite TV shows
Surface (maybe...)
Sex Star ?

5 bad habits
Manada bad habits...
everything about me rocks!
err... ryte?
I dont know...
you tell me!

5 biggest joys
Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari, Burnout series since the 3rd...
PSP, PS2, Xbox, My phone...
Sushi, Double Cheese, Beryani, Ferrero, Coke, Green Tea...
Kristen Kreuk, Erica Durance, Kate Beckinsale, Nicole Kidman, Rachel McAdams...
The people around me...
I mean... (according to ranks) (1)Games, (2)Gadgets, (3)Food, (4)Beautiful Women, (5)Friends and Family

5 fictional characters I would date or think are cute
Lana Lang (Smallville)
Lois Lane (Smallville)
Selene (Underworld)
Isabel Bigelow/Samantha (Bewitched)
Claire Cleary (Wedding Crashers)

5 people I tagged this to

There! I'm done!
Atu ngalih... oh crap! I forgot I'm chattin with Nisa!

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