MisSTresS`: Time can tell a lot of things - but the many joys in my life reside far within me, out of reach of any soul living on this planet but myself... in order words, even if you are, you'll never find out Mwahahaha!! Now enjoy the softcore porn on the left hehehe
zool: I shud post that other photo here too.. mwahahaha! but i guess ill have to ask everyone - manatau diorang mau liat. Majority wins! Mwahahah! and manada ku gatal...
xHu: err... thanx?
yaSien: errr... sometimes they have their appeals... hahaha
LiNa: errr... I'll take a raincheck... u don't have to help out haha Although it would be fun coz that would mean less work for me!! Hahaha! But i'm too nice to take advantage of the people around me =p
LiNa2: Y'know, I thought it was a Doa Selamat thing for my bro and only kawan2 nya panggilnya... sekali ramai org datang ke rumah! like, nda belajar tarus for my exam paper the next day! hahaha!

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