How it was relaxing you ask? (if you dont I don't care, I'm telling anyway). I woke up after lunch, around 1.30pm. The weather was just nice, it wasn't hot and it wasn't gloomy. I drove with my windows opened, breathing the cool fresh air in the afternoon - something you rarely get here (cool fresh air in the afternoon i mean). I went to meet a friend to send this photo we took at a photo studio last week around Kiarong. That place was packed with people. In a good way.
After that, I went to meet zool at Fleur De Lys. Man, it's been so long since we hung there. The atmosphere there made it feel like we were in UK again. Probably thanks to the weather outside, the expats having tea there and ... maybe the christmas music. I felt like I was in Sheffield again. Nice~~
After that, we went to Taurean to hang - supposedly meeting santet. But alas, that no good friend of ours betrayed us. Not once, but TWICE! Well okay, he betrayed ME twice. But I'm too kind to let the whole world know what the second one was all about. Nanti ko!
Then I went to work early - the atmosphere at work was rather serene as well. No shoutings, no arguments, no commotions... it was bliss.. well aside from chatting with noor about relationships - adakah suruhnya aku cari someone! Not yet my friend - it is still too early for me ;)
All in all, not a bad day. If only everyday's like today...
I miss Sheff now...

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