Tuesday, August 21, 2007

That Apple Fanboy

Man, I have so much to say but I haven't got much time. I haven't blogged for so long. God, how I miss doing this. There has been so many times where I would just like to put the thoughts in my mind with ink, but somehow, I can only think of one thing: work.

Lately, I've been going to this Mac training course since the government is supplying Macs to schools. After we've done the course, we are to then teach others at work. Fun stuff? Not entirely.

I've used a Mac before, and absolutely loved it. But in the end, I prefer Windows. But this guy, the guys who was talking in front of the room, trying to show people what a Mac can do, just annoys the hell out of me. He says stuff like "Windows can't do this", "Windows can do that", "You don't have this in Windows". How biased can someone be?

Seriously though, I liked using Mac for different purposes but I prefer Windows, even though some times it gives me frustrations. Both sides have its own advantages and disadvantages. That's why Linux is the best! (kidding!)

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