I sit down feeling a bit insulted at a reply I just got from one of my blogs. I spent a whole night writing an article on the PlayStation 3 on my BruGamers blog to give light to those who are in the dark with the PS3 since there aren't a lot of Bruneians who own one, especially since the Wii and xbox 360 are heavy on the piracy side. But that's not the point.
I'm insulted at two things. The two things I find myself define part of me.
1. Before writing the blog, I clearly said that I am not biased towards the PS3 and that I equally love all game consoles, even though differently, in plain English. Read it if you want.
2. I prefer hardware over software and people who know me know that I read more about hardware than software. I look at the technical specs on top of the programs. I look at the power before I look at its heart. I look at the potential on the outside before what's offered inside.
Now clearly, this reply I read insults my intelligence to write in clear English like as if I didn't write it clearly enough what I laid out at the beginning of the article. Secondly, I am clearly being insulted by saying that I am biased towards one thing due to the software line-up AKA games.
Games are fun and cool but it is not the reason why I bought the PlayStation 3, left my Wii gathering dust and sold my 360. Games aren't the reason why I spent over a thousand for a PS3 and raced to buy it the first time it came out.
As most of you probably know by now, I prefer Sony over anything else. And getting a PS3 is just part of a collection. I buy a lot of Sony products but that doesn't mean that Sony is better. In a lot of ways, Sony products are gorgeous. But expensive. For example, I'd rather play music on an iPod than those Sony Walkmans because the iPod software is cooler. I'd rather use an Apple Mac than a Vaio because Mac is smoother than Windows. I'd much rather take photos with a Nikon over the Sony Alpha because the photo results are better. Hell, I'd play xbox 360 games over the PS3 games because I hate motion sensing and ofcourse to play old time favourites from the original xbox. But, again, Sony products give better hardware when compared to the price that all these others can give. And they look gorgeous too. It's a collection. I don't intend to not own the other things. I do, but my money goes to what I want first.
I prefer Sony over Apple. I prefer Sony Ericsson over Nokia. I prefer the PlayStation 3 over an xbox 360 or a Wii. Heck, I preferred the original xbox over the PS2 and PC. Why? Because the xbox offerred built-in hard disk, out of the box online play and no installation for games
(but we were a small group during those years when people were into PC gaming).
To prefer one thing over another does not mean you hate the other. You guys do know what 'prefer' means, yes?
Technology isn't the only thing I love. I love writing and to be insulted as if my writing wasn't clear? This is why I am an English teacher. Frustrates me when people out there misunderstands something they read as a personal attack on them, which clearly happens to a lot of us Bruneians. Which is why comprehension exercises in your English lesson is important.
This brings me to a whole new subject, how good is your reading and understanding of the text? I'll pick on this subject matter on another blog post. Right now, I'm just really pissed. And no, I don't prefer being pissed. I just have no choice but to indulge in this stupid feeling that humans get when someone deem to insult the intelligence of another. I prefer being acknowledged for my effort.
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