Friday, September 28, 2007

Those Days of Boy Bands

I don't know how old you guys are but I am sure most of my readers are old enough to have been in the boy band era. Ever since lastnight, JuLeZz and I have been reminiscing that time when them boy bands were huge. People loved them, adored them and even worshipped them. Heck, as much as I was into groups like Oasis and Wheatus, I am not afraid to admit that I also listened to a boy band called the Backstreet Boys. Man, I even own all their albums up to Black and Blue (not the recent one though).

Lastnight, JuLeZz dug her old CD collections and found the BSB's albums. We ended up listening to the BSB all night. Man, did the songs bring back some old memories and feelings from years back. Then I remembered one song by BSB that I loved so much and seems like I still do. That song is I'll Never Break Your Heart. They made two videos of that song. One was the original video and the other, a remake, when the song was part of their Greatest Hits album. I especially love the last part of the song.

Anyway, I went to youtube, found the videos and thought I'd post them here.

Funny how my tastes in music has changed so much.

Here's a bonus, the Spanish version.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Warhawk, A Story of A Respawning Soldier

You find yourself on one side of a battlefield.
You look around and you see more people, teammates, joining in on the fight. Everything is silent as everyone runs towards their tactical positions. Picking up ammunitions, weapons, gears. Boarding 4x4s and tanks. Commanding turrets, machine guns. Piloting a Warhawk. The silence only lasted for a few seconds when the first explosion is heard.

You run, looking for something. Anything to survive. Picking up weapons and gears, you see an empty Warhawk at a distance. You get on and the Warhawk starts to hover. You switch into flight mode and a few seconds later you are zooming in the skies of Eucadia. All of a sudden, red lights start to flicker everywhere. Even before you realise what the warning sign meant, your Warhawk obliterates into a million pieces.

You respawn. This time, thinking you are better off driving a ground vehicle. You see a tank parked. You board and you start driving. You look at the digital map and find your enemy's base. You plan to capture their zone so your teammates have more place to respawn. But your thoughts didn't last long. You see a Nemesis flying through the sky, shooting at you. You see your enemies throwing grenades at your tank. And before long, before you can see what's coming at you, your tank explodes, bringing you down.

You respawn. You see a 4x4 and start to drive it. It's fast. It's light. And you think that you can easily outrun all the other vehicles, including soldiers on foot. You see an enemy in front and you ram into him. You see a Nemesis flying towards you, you outrun it between the trees. And finally, you reach an enemy base. And you drive towards their flag. But at the corner of your eyes, you see the shadow of a tank. Next thing you know, you've respawned.

You tell yourself, this is not the end. You respawn yourself next to a turret. You board the turret and start to aim at everything in the sky and the ground. Warhawks, Nemesises, tanks, 4x4s. They fall down to your missiles. You laugh and feel that you have finally conquered it all. But before success was reached, a foot soldier plants a rocket launcher at you.

You respawn. This is war.

The end.

Like my little story? That's the experience you get in Warhawk. Everything is fast. You don't get time to think much. You have to think in advance. Go plan fast. Know where you are going. Know what you are aiming at. Because if you don't, you die. And you will keep dying. And you will keep standing up. And you will try to find that last son of a bitch who just made you cry out fowl in your room.

Get Warhawk. I absolutely love it.

See video here.

[Via BruGamers]

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pest Problem

We've been having a pest problem at work and recently it just got really annoying. Rats have been eating my books, even this box of ant poison I kept (probably made it high). Everywhere in my drawers I find rat pee and poo. Heck, all my colleagues' desks around my area have been 'visited' by the annoying pest.

So, one day, I did a short research on how to repel the damn thing not wanting to kill it. Killing it would just mean more work. Trapping it is the same. It was at this time that I found out on some forums that mint leaves could repel them.

Last Friday, I went and bought mint leaves. Came Saturday, I spread them everywhere in my drawers thinking that this could finally solve my problem.

Monday came and guess what? The stupid rats ate my mint leaves clean. And I mean clean. Not a single stem was left lying around. And what did they leave behind for me? I think you could guess what.

But I guess I did them a favour. At least they're crawling around with fresh breath.

PS: Anyone know of any way to REPEL rats?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Best Wishes in Ramadhan

Just wanna wish everyone on Mr Syaf's blogs network (yes, it has a name now - somehow) a Happy Fasting and best wishes during Ramadhan.

Mr Syaf's Blogs Network include: Sin Adam, Shutter Speech, BruGamers and Tanah Air Ku.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Aunt's Another Year

I forget dates easily. Yes, even as a teacher, I don't really pay attention to dates that much. So there I was sitting in the living room, blogging news on BruGamers' website while julezz188 was singing with kneezparoxism on karaoke when the sound of people singing was put to a hault. JuLeZz mentioned today's date and reminded me of (jengjengjeng) my aunt's birthday.

So, if it wasn't for my Mrs Exclusive, I wouldn't have been able to send a text to my aunt on time to wish her a happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Bungsu Suri!
All the best with everything this year!

Photo: My aunt (left) and my sister (right) before my sister left for the UK last month. Yes, there's my shutter speech logo on it - I just like the photo, so I cross-posted this to

Friday, September 07, 2007

Joke: Horse And Chick

Horse And Chick

A horse and a chicken are playing in a meadow. The horse falls into a mud hole and is sinking. He calls to the chicken to go and get the farmer to help pull him out to safety. The chicken runs to the farm but the farmer can't be found. So he drives the farmer's Porsche back to the mud hole and ties some rope around the bumper. He then throws the other end of the rope to his friend, the horse, and drives the car forward saving him from sinking!

A few days later, the chicken and horse were playing in the meadow again and the chicken fell into the mud hole. The chicken yelled to the horse to go and get some help from the farmer. The horse said, "I think I can stand over the hole!" So he stretched over the width of the hole and said, "Grab for my 'thingy' and pull yourself up." And the chicken did and pulled himself to safety.

The moral of the story:

If you are hung like a horse, you don't need a Porsche to pick up chicks!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Prefer is not hating another

I sit down feeling a bit insulted at a reply I just got from one of my blogs.
I spent a whole night writing an article on the PlayStation 3 on my BruGamers blog to give light to those who are in the dark with the PS3 since there aren't a lot of Bruneians who own one, especially since the Wii and xbox 360 are heavy on the piracy side. But that's not the point.

I'm insulted at two things. The two things I find myself define part of me.

1. Before writing the blog, I clearly said that I am not biased towards the PS3 and that I equally love all game consoles, even though differently, in plain English. Read it if you want.

2. I prefer hardware over software and people who know me know that I read more about hardware than software. I look at the technical specs on top of the programs. I look at the power before I look at its heart. I look at the potential on the outside before what's offered inside.

Now clearly, this reply I read insults my intelligence to write in clear English like as if I didn't write it clearly enough what I laid out at the beginning of the article. Secondly, I am clearly being insulted by saying that I am biased towards one thing due to the software line-up AKA games.

Games are fun and cool but it is not the reason why I bought the PlayStation 3, left my Wii gathering dust and sold my 360. Games aren't the reason why I spent over a thousand for a PS3 and raced to buy it the first time it came out.

As most of you probably know by now, I prefer Sony over anything else. And getting a PS3 is just part of a collection. I buy a lot of Sony products but that doesn't mean that Sony is better. In a lot of ways, Sony products are gorgeous. But expensive. For example, I'd rather play music on an iPod than those Sony Walkmans because the iPod software is cooler. I'd rather use an Apple Mac than a Vaio because Mac is smoother than Windows. I'd much rather take photos with a Nikon over the Sony Alpha because the photo results are better. Hell, I'd play xbox 360 games over the PS3 games because I hate motion sensing and ofcourse to play old time favourites from the original xbox. But, again, Sony products give better hardware when compared to the price that all these others can give. And they look gorgeous too. It's a collection. I don't intend to not own the other things. I do, but my money goes to what I want first.

I prefer Sony over Apple. I prefer Sony Ericsson over Nokia. I prefer the PlayStation 3 over an xbox 360 or a Wii. Heck, I preferred the original xbox over the PS2 and PC. Why? Because the xbox offerred built-in hard disk, out of the box online play and no installation for games
(but we were a small group during those years when people were into PC gaming).

To prefer one thing over another does not mean you hate the other. You guys do know what 'prefer' means, yes?

Technology isn't the only thing I love. I love writing and to be insulted as if my writing wasn't clear? This is why I am an English teacher. Frustrates me when people out there misunderstands something they read as a personal attack on them, which clearly happens to a lot of us Bruneians. Which is why comprehension exercises in your English lesson is important.

This brings me to a whole new subject, how good is your reading and understanding of the text? I'll pick on this subject matter on another blog post. Right now, I'm just really pissed. And no, I don't prefer being pissed. I just have no choice but to indulge in this stupid feeling that humans get when someone deem to insult the intelligence of another. I prefer being acknowledged for my effort.


So I was sitting at Dreamcones today sweating straight after our extremely hot Isyrak Mikraj event at work, tired and wanting a good company but only to be rejected by a certain birthday boy who wouldn't want to come and see me and receive a personal birthday wish, handshake and hug. Can you believe it? I've never felt so rejected. Never!

And on top of all that, he had to be busy on his birthday! Lectures, going to the airport, dinner - wth man? It's your birthday! It should be spent celebrating all day! Skip lectures! Be excused from errands! Meet Syaf! Yes! Me!

Man, all I ever wanted was to wish him a happy birthday personally. But nooooo! Dude, and you know who you are, you suck. And hope you have a happy birthday Ripin.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

PS3 Tags

I was just trying out PS3tags. They make tags for you that you can use in forums or wherever (tags are usually popular in forums anyway) and adds info about your PS3 and your PSN id. I made the following as mine. I think it will auto-update if I edit it from the site.

Anyway, if you're interested, you can try
There's also but I started with PS3tags so I didn't wanna be bothered with trying another site again. Tags are just not my thing.