org ingat kan c zool: orang ingat kan ko saja, but they're actually calling out my name! mwahahaha!
MisSTresS`: oh I can view your tagboard now - lastnight tu nda mau ah... probably coz u got ur tagboard from a different place. Btw, mun kan wave at me, wave saja directly - u don't need to wave at people excen2 wanting me to wave at you Wahahaaa!! Bet ur missin me now hahaha
Lilac: orang handal! hahah! where's the fun in life when all you do is study, study, study? You have to put things in between - and I happen to pic lepaking and playing games. Karang porn, nda karang pass periksa wahaha!
xhu: wahai manusia, jgn lah kamu perasan bejobo potey sedangkan diri mu bejobo etam sejak kecik2 lagi. Wahahaaa! bah nanti when they're back, we'll go and hang there!
Santet: dood, ur no longer saiko man! No more shadows! and... sapa rindu sapa nie? i know ull always miss me even though when we are sharing a table at taurean/dome... err.. berigeli ler bunyi aku...
Lina: I'm about to move back to the attic soon - bah dtg tah dangani move my things back up there. bah bila? hahahaaaa!

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