Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Toolbar from Heaven

I'm a huge Multiply user. More so than any of my other social network pages because everything else either sucks or plain annoying. I mean, come on, what's the point of sending a smile, wink or hell a poke? And why would anyone want to start a Top 10 friends? That's just plain insulting - to others ofcourse (I always make it top 10 haha!).

What I like about Multiply is the fact that it is not just a social network but can act as your own personal website. I mean, why pay all those online storage just to create your own personal homepage when Multiply offers unlimited space for your contents? Plus, things here are organised and easy for the eyes. You get to choose to simplify your front page rather than cluttering it with useless add ons or gadgets or whatever. Best part? The privacy settings. Yes, the power is yours to set who gets to view your contents. Heck, even non-users can view it. That's why I love it.

Why am I talking about Multiply all of a sudden? Because they just released their toolbar. I generally hate toolbar. They are annoying and they take up too much of my browser space. Hell, I minimise everything in firefox, move tools around, hide buttons I do not need and memorise shortcuts to buttons I usually use so that I can get as much space vertically as I can so I view more of the page at one glance. Heck, my firefox only had two toolbar lines and that's it. Note, had. Okay, I'm going overboard here. Basically, I hate toolbars. They are useless.

Anyway, now, I have the Multiply toolbar. And my God, does it save a lot of time. It has the My Multiply button so you can go directly to your My Multiply page. You can click on My Site so you can view your homepage. You click on Post and it pops up the list of things you can post such as Blog, Photos, etc without having to go to the actual page. You can search straight from the toolbar and it also includes a login/logout button. My favourite? The toolbar includes updates on any new posts or replies in your network, which you get the option to set how long you want it refreshed.

You should try it out. It's a Godsend. Click here to install now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Hell of An Open House

A few days ago, we had this one hell of a party at my aunt's open house. She even asked me to invite my friends (whom she knows of) but alas, none of them were able to come. Still, it was great.

People were singing Hari Raya songs on karaoke all night. Food was served everywhere, inside, outside and in the VIP guests room. Huge ass fireworks played every time while people were singing, gathering crowds at the edges of their tents to watch the magnificent fire in the sky. Kids were singing. People were dancing. Even the old ones. Guests kept coming and coming. Shaking hands. Talking to people they haven't met for so long as well as meeting new faces. Cameras flashed everywhere. Video cameras recorded every possible event. Everything just happened all at once that it ended up being a blast. Hell, JuLeZz and I stayed there till after midnight and the party was still loud. I have to say, that was one of the best Hari Raya I've ever had.

Check out the album here for photos.

Selamat Hari Raya to you all.

PS: Guess what the above photos is?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

From The Exclusives

I meant to post this awhile back but I ended up forgetting. Since it's still Syawal, this isn't too late. Click to view larger image.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Interested in me?

I'm sure you guys get spam messages from unknown users or even a personal message from some weird psychotic person giving you an email of hers/his claiming they are interested in you after visiting your multiply page and while declaring that love is the ultimate answer to everything.

Heck not so long ago, I got this spam message from some random moron filled with porn links and images. The most annoying part was that people kept replying to this message saying that they do not want such thing and because of this, it kept bumping up my 'My Multiply' page and an alert got sent to my email inbox. Stupid people who complains at the wrong place.

I'm sick and tired of it. I've already sent a message to customer service but all I got was a "thanks for reporting this matter" message. Useless.

Here's the latest retard interested in me after seeing my multiply page. I was like "yeah-right - if you did, you'll see I'm married jackass.

From nacybaby

Hello sweet
My name is miss nacy sinko,i saw your profile today at ( and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.
Here is my email address(
I believe we can move from here!
I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.
miss. nacy
(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) (

Can't even write English properly. Heck, what the hell? Remeber the distance or coulour does not matter but love matters alot in life? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!! You suck.

Have a happy third day of Raya people.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Photo Dedication

Taken during our photo session on the first day of Hari Raya, this photo is dedicated to our lateng sister who is currently studying in the UK. We wish you a good time and Selamat Hari Raya. Take care from all of us in Brunei. Keluarga adalah asal usul pemberian jobo mu yang etam.

See the rest of the album here.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Hoi, setan-setan sekelian. Welcome back. Wahahahaaa!!

And Selamat Hari Raya to all of you. Sila beri angpau kepada yang baru kawin hampir 5 bulan yang lalu. Terima Kasih.

PS: Malam ni ada setan frenzy. Watch out!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Black Chaos

I'm a bit annoyed. Wait, no. Extremely frustrated.

Recently, I've managed to talk to some friends into getting a PS3. I also found out another friend of mine is a PS3 convert. That said, I told them to register on PSN, get Warhawk and add me. A few days down the road, I saw their message for a friend request. Then guess what happened? I got disconnected off the internet.

I tried over and over again but nothing happened. It just kept saying that Ethernet cable is not detected (or was it connected? well, whatever). I checked the back of my PS3 and the ethernet port did not show the green light it always does when you are connected to your router (I don't use wireless since wifi is rather vulnerable). I panicked, fearing that my ethernet port on the PS3 might be damaged. So I unplugged the whole damned cables off the PS3's back, carried the huge black ass mammoth upstairs to my brother's room and unplug whatever PS3 was connected in his room and plugged mine in.

And joy it was! I could get online!

Turns out it was the 20m cable I had running from the router to my PS3 that was faulty. Crap. Now I can't play Warhawk just yet. That sucks.

To you guys, y'know who you are, I'll get you on Warhawk soon enough. Just wait till I get a new cable.

Just great huh? I get lotsa Bruneians to play Warhawk with, and this happens. Shit.

PS: Thought I'd attach a photo of three PS3s taken in my brother's room when I was panicked. Thought it looked cool. One is mine, the other is my brother's and the third is his friend. I think we should have a PS3 party and just put each other's PS3 in a line and take a photo of it. Haha!