What I like about Multiply is the fact that it is not just a social network but can act as your own personal website. I mean, why pay all those online storage just to create your own personal homepage when Multiply offers unlimited space for your contents? Plus, things here are organised and easy for the eyes. You get to choose to simplify your front page rather than cluttering it with useless add ons or gadgets or whatever. Best part? The privacy settings. Yes, the power is yours to set who gets to view your contents. Heck, even non-users can view it. That's why I love it.
Why am I talking about Multiply all of a sudden? Because they just released their toolbar. I generally hate toolbar. They are annoying and they take up too much of my browser space. Hell, I minimise everything in firefox, move tools around, hide buttons I do not need and memorise shortcuts to buttons I usually use so that I can get as much space vertically as I can so I view more of the page at one glance. Heck, my firefox only had two toolbar lines and that's it. Note, had. Okay, I'm going overboard here. Basically, I hate toolbars. They are useless.
Anyway, now, I have the Multiply toolbar. And my God, does it save a lot of time. It has the My Multiply button so you can go directly to your My Multiply page. You can click on My Site so you can view your homepage. You click on Post and it pops up the list of things you can post such as Blog, Photos, etc without having to go to the actual page. You can search straight from the toolbar and it also includes a login/logout button. My favourite? The toolbar includes updates on any new posts or replies in your network, which you get the option to set how long you want it refreshed.
You should try it out. It's a Godsend. Click here to install now.