Funny how you can change so suddenly within a short period of time. At one time, you have these beliefs that you know will forever stay with you until the end of your life and forever make you happy. Then something came along that changes everything that you knew, something that contradicts what you once held on to that meant happiness, something that opposes the very beliefs you trust would take you up into the best option in life.
It then breaks your wings, shatters the very ground you stood on, making you fall down so fast but only to land in a soft and comfortable couch in a mysteriously recognisable speedboat that makes you feel so funny inside, speeding fast through the sea during the day, at all times still making you feel cozy, and then... you are brought to an enormous cruise ship that cruises through the starry night sky, waiting, and just waiting, knowing that the journey can only have more never ending great surprises that continues on for a lifetime. And that, my friends, is what has happened, and is happening to me right now.