This year's birthday just seem to get better and better. First, a day before my birthday, my students sang a birthday song for me - dragging a heck of a lot of people outside the class. Then, today... this photo happened.
I was entering class with my cooperating teacher (who came to observe my lesson) then I heard some of the students saying "Uh-oh!" I thought they had some mischievious plans for me behind my back. As the cooperating teacher sat at the back, my students told me to open the sliding doors of the whiteboard. Then guess what was behind it? Words shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. SYAF" with their signatures surrounding it AND a photo of me and them printed! And what was printed on it? Words saying "Vainity Strikes!" and that's no typo. I was shocked!! That was one hell of a surprise I did not expect! Check out
my multiply for more pictures.
But that wasn't the end of it. As I started my lesson, still shocked, I realised that some of the students were missing. When I was about to ask, all of a sudden, the missing students came in with a birthday cake!!! As if "vainity stirkes" wasn't enough, this time, on the cake, they spelt my name as "Shafiq" ...
Because of all that, I told them that I wouldn't give them homework. I'm such a nice teacher.
I thought the surprise ended there. Then they gave me this huge manila card with everyone's signature on it! Again, I noticed it said "Birtday" on it. These students really need a good English lesson.
But no, it didn't end there! At the end of the class they gave me gifts!! I was so shocked, surprised, touched and... hell I have no idea what else to say but that was one hell of a surprise because I was really really surprised!! Yes, I've never felt so surprised. I normally can predict these kinds of things but damn~ these kids were good.
Throughout the class, I couldn't control the lesson well but the students were surprisingly well behaved today - so it all went well. What did my cooperating teacher say? He said these kinds of things happen - dont worry. Hey, at least I've got a good rapport with the students! That's a plus for a teacher trainee!!